No, Work will not Go, “Back to Normal”

Sebastian A
3 min readApr 11, 2021

I’ve been working from home for over a year. As a matter of fact, I started a new job mid-pandemic, after my old office closed, and just after my now-employer transitioned our team to 100% remote work. I think we can’t just “go back to normal” in the workplace, even now that vaccinations are rising, and there is more optimism than ever for a life like we had in the, “before time”. I firmly believe that the changes to work we have seen during the pandemic are here to stay.

Who’s the best co-worker? Yes you are!

While there are definite benefits to remote work, there are also very real circumstances that have made remote work for many, another negative side-effect of the pandemic, which has left many craving social interaction. Anyone who has previously worked in an office setting knows that bumping into a collogue in the hall is a workplace past-time. That said, like everything else impacted by COVID, many workers have now found themselves in a “new normal,” which includes having new “co-workers,” that are perhaps…a bit more furry than our their in-office counterparts. Our furry co-workers bring us joy in different ways, and the internet has taken notice.

Speaking of new normal, workdays have now shifted, as working from home has allowed a bit more flexibility on what it means to be “in-office.” Lunchtime walks, and mid-day naps (or in some cases, mid-day showers) now occupy the time between Zoom meetings, and the thought of giving those up is almost a non-negotiable for some workers who are finding they have to return to the office sooner than they were prepared for.

That’s one way to spend your lunch break, I suppose.
Meanwhile, business casual has taken on a whole new meaning…

On a more serious note, companies have taken notice on the tangible benefits of allowing their employees a more flexible work arrangement, and notable business analysts have made predictions that, while vary to a degree, all draw a similar conclusion — office work will not magically return “back to normal”.

In fact, some say that the unfortunate circumstances surrounding the pandemic have accelerated existing trends — and technology has provided an opportunity for flexible work arrangements that take the best of both in-office, and remote worlds, to become the new status quo.

After all, if productivity persists, and employees are motivated — and in some cases, more so — who could argue with the evolution of work being permanent, rather than another factor of life that we want to get “back to normal?”

A total 2021 mood.

As for me, I’ve learned that I like my furry co-workers, but I miss the feeling of bumping into my human collogues in the halls. I like the afternoon walk around my neighborhood, but also like the crunch of the morning commute. I look forward to the evolution of the workplace that will allow me to bring my laptop to a coffee shop on Monday, wrap up my project, call it a day, get back home and get a ride on my Peloton bike, and prepare myself for the rush of the drive to the office to attend a team meeting in the office on Tuesday morning, which is in itself a bit ironic — because, I know that day is just around the corner — for me and millions of others who are privileged to be able to even debate whether or not we should be in the office in the first place.

